
Some of my posts are written on behalf of companies that offer me compensation or commission for working with them. Because I want to bring you nothing but the best, I still include my 100% honest opinion about any products or services that I feature for these companies.

I also keep things on the up and up by letting you know what’s in it for me (like a free product or a paycheck).

When I find something amazing, I can’t help but share it. Likewise, if I feel a little disappointed or just “meh” about a product, I want to let you know. I’m thrilled to make a bit of an income doing that very thing. Here’s how that’s possible:

Affiliate links

When you see that a page or post has affiliate links, that means I will receive a commission for viewers clicking through a link and/or making a purchase. This commission I earn comes at no extra cost to viewers. You’ll know a post has affiliate links when it starts with this:

This post contains affiliate links. Please visit my disclosure page to learn more about what that means for you.

Amazon Associate

RDRefresh.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.

Sponsored posts

When I start a post with this line:

This post was sponsored by ____COMPANY and written by me. All opinions are my own.

that means a company has paid me to write about their product, given me some of their product for free, or both. I’ll make it clear in each post so you know what’s going on. You can count on getting my honest opinion regardless of what goodies or perks I get.


Thanks so much for all you do to keep RDRefresh up and running!