Top 5 healthy foods in my kitchen

You have to love the articles featuring “what this dietitian eats in a day” and “foods that health experts eat every single day”. I won’t lie to you – I have normal things in my kitchen like ketchup and ranch dressing. But I thought I would share 5 healthy foods that I almost always have in my kitchen.

1. Almond Milk

I always keep at least a couple half gallons of almond milk in the house. We use almond milk in cereal, smoothies, and poured over frozen blueberries (like a healthy cream slushie).

I have always preferred the tasted of plant-based milk over traditional milk. Recently though I have found that too much dairy milk upsets my stomach, giving me even more reason to opt for almond milk.

Plant based milks often don’t have the same amount of protein as dairy milk. To compensate, I usually add peanut butter or PBfit to my cereal.

2. Apples